Is zakaat waajib on children?


1. How much percent from one's earnings or savings has to be paid for zakaat?

2. Is zakaat obligatory on one who does not work, such as kids, who have savings from their pocket money or other ways?

3. When is zakaat due to be paid, before Ramadhaan or during Ramadhaan?


1. Zakaat is compulsory on 2.5 percent of your zakaatable wealth.

2. Zakaat is not compulsory on those who have not reached the age of puberty.

3. Zakaat is calculated at the end of one year from the day one becomes the owner of the nisaab (threshold) of zakaat, immaterial of the date one became the owner of such wealth.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)